The Annual Fund
Celebrating 67 years of academic excellence!
St. Michael’s Annual Fund is the cornerstone of philanthropy, making a difference in all things necessary to make a St. Michael’s education an exemplary education. The Annual Fund, widely supported annually by all K-8 families, promotes our mission by providing additional revenue for program and curriculum development and enrichment. Your tax-deductible gifts provide unrestricted dollars to sustain and advance academic programs, technology enhancements, athletics, Fine Arts, extracurricular activities, faculty compensation, and professional development and facilities maintenance.
Annual Fund Gift Clubs
St Michael’s Society
Scientia Circle ($5,000+)
Taylor Circle ($2,500-$4,999)
Ticer Circle ($1,500-$2,499)
Friends of St. Michael’s
Saints ($1,000-$1,499)
Winston ($500-$999)
Blue & White ($250-$499)
Maypole (to $249)
For additional information or questions, please contact Anne McCoy, Director of Development, at 804. 272. 3514 ext. 122 or via email at [email protected].