St. Michael's Episcopal School

Due to the expected snowstorm, St. Michael’s will be closed on Wednesday, February 19.
St M Families, Please see email for additional information.

An integral part of our success


Building a St. Michael’s legacy

St. Michael’s has long enjoyed the steadfast support of its parents, grandparents, alumni, past parents and friends to meet the growing needs of the School beyond what tuition covers. The Board of Directors, the Parents’ Association and the Development Office work together to maximize the St. Michael’s experience through planning and implementation of specific philanthropic initiatives. Success is measured by the support of families and friends who are involved by giving their time and “treasures.”

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The Annual Fund

Celebrating 67 years of academic excellence!

St. Michael’s Annual Fund is the cornerstone of philanthropy, making a difference in all things necessary to make a St. Michael’s education an exemplary education. The Annual Fund, widely supported annually by all K-8 families, promotes our mission by providing additional revenue for program and curriculum development and enrichment. Your tax-deductible gifts provide unrestricted dollars to sustain and advance academic programs, technology enhancements, athletics, Fine Arts, extracurricular activities, faculty compensation, and professional development and facilities maintenance.

Annual Fund Gift Clubs

St Michael’s Society
Scientia Circle ($5,000+)
Taylor Circle ($2,500-$4,999)
Ticer Circle ($1,500-$2,499)

Friends of St. Michael’s
Saints ($1,000-$1,499)
Winston ($500-$999)
Blue & White ($250-$499)
Maypole (to $249)

For additional information or questions, please contact Anne McCoy, Director of Development, at 804. 272. 3514 ext. 122 or via email at [email protected].

Student skyping with a Japanese girl.


Contributions to the Annual Fund help fund network maintenance, upgrades and interactive library technology.

Students engaged in a classroom.


Your Annual Fund gift provides text books, curriculum enhancements and learning opportunities for students.

Boys canoeing in the Singleton lake.


Contributions to the Annual Fund assist the physical education programs with equipment and field maintenance.

Boy sketching.

The Arts

*Annual Fund support enhances St. Michael’s fine arts program, clubs and service learning projects.

Make a difference at St. Michael's

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Additional Philanthropic Initiatives

Capital Campaign

The W. E. and Dale Harman Singleton Campus

One.Together. The Campaign for St. Michael’s


It began with a gift of land in 2004 by Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Singleton. Singleton Hall (sixth-eighth grades) opened in 2008. Ten years later, Hubbard Hall welcomed kindergarten-fifth grade students in August of 2018. And now…The Assembly Hall.

The newly completed Assembly Hall is the center point of the Singleton Campus and the center point of activity. All students attend weekly chapel and music and arts in the Assembly Hall. Plays, musical performances, and special presentations are happily occurring in the performing art space. Seating in the performing arts space may be arranged to either face the stage or rotated to face the sweeping colored glass with the defined cross which serves as a reminder of the School’s mission.

The Assembly Hall provides much-needed space to enrich and grow St. Michael’s Performing Arts program. Thank you for your support!

History of the W. E. and Dale Harman Singleton Campus

The W. E. and Dale Harman Singleton Campus, named after the benefactors who generously gifted 25 acres of their Boulder Brook estate to the School, was completed in 2008.

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Commemorative Paver Patio

Building a Legacy

The Singleton Campus Commemorative Paver Patio is located near the entrance to the Ellen Passmore Singleton Gymnasium. This landmark patio with custom inscribed pavers serves as a permanent tribute to all those who have made St. Michael’s the school it is today. Each 6”x 9” paver may be inscribed with up to four lines. Pavers are $300 for one and $500 for two. Create a lasting legacy within the St. Michael’s Episcopal School community by purchasing a commemorative paver.

Purchase A Paver