St. Michael's Episcopal School

Due to the expected snowstorm, St. Michael’s will be closed on Wednesday, February 19.
St M Families, Please see email for additional information.

Welcome New Families

Welcome to St. Michael’s!

We are excited that your family is joining our vibrant learning community. Thank you for entrusting your child’s academic journey to St. Michael’s.

This page will be updated continually this summer. Please bookmark and refer to this page for the most current information and forms relating to enrollment, summer activities and assignments, and the start of school.

Student-Family Handbook

2024-25 Summer Assignments and Important Back to School Information – Coming Soon!

2024-25 Back to School Supply Kits – Order Here by July 1

St. Michael’s 2024-2025 Extended Day Registration – Closes June 7

St. Michael’s 2024 Spectacular Summer Camps

Virginia School Entrance Health Form – must be completed for ALL NEW students

2024-25 Major Dates Calendar

Honor Code

Updates will be made for 2024-25 in mid-summer, though the dress code will remain predominately the same as 2023-24
Dress Code 2023-2024

Spiritwear Shop

Parent Portal: Back to School Forms

  • Student Back to School forms, health and athletic forms, and medical information will continue to be managed through the St. Michael’s PowerSchool and Magnus Health secure databases for the upcoming school year.
  • NEW FAMILIES: You will receive an email in early JUNE from the Admissions Office containing instructions and your individual login codes to our PowerSchool/ Magnus Health Portal. Stay tuned!
  • All St. Michael’s Health Forms and Back to School forms will go live for the ‘24-’25 school year IN MID JUNE. Following the release of forms in the school database, you will be able to complete forms through the PowerSchool Parent Account that you have created. An email will go out to all St. Michael’s families in mid-June with detailed instructions for locating the necessary forms within your PowerSchool Parent Account.
  • We ask that you enter the health information required within your Magnus Health account for each child attending St M no later than AUGUST 1. There will also be additional Back to School forms due prior to the start of school.

Summer Administrative Office Hours

  • St. Michael’s will observe summer office hours starting the week of June 10, 2024.
  • Our Administrative Offices will be open Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. (Closed on Fridays)
  • Our Extended Programs Summer Camp team will be working Monday-Friday (June 20-August 4) during camp hours, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

2024-25 School Day Hours

  • 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Free Morning Gym beginning at 7:20 a.m.
  • If not attending Morning Gym, the morning drop-off window is 7:40-7:55 a.m. (Students should be in their seats and ready to start the school day by 8 a.m.)
  • Afternoon pickup is between 3 and 3:10 p.m. (Any students not picked up by 3:15 p.m. will be sent to Extended Day)

State Vaccine Requirements for Rising 7th Graders

HPV, Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), and Meningococcal are required vaccines for children between 11 and 12 years of age in Virginia. This means children receive these vaccines going into the 7th grade. As a parent or guardian, you have the right to decide if your child receives the HPV vaccine. Please discuss this with your healthcare provider.
Later this summer, seventh grade families will need to upload updated immunizations to Magnus Health in PowerSchool.

Athletic Participation Form (for Rising Grades 4-8)

If your children in rising grades 4-8 are playing any sports at St M, an athletic participation form needs to be completed by a family physician this summer and downloaded for completion, and then uploaded via the student’s Magnus Health account in PowerSchool.