St. Michael's Episcopal School

Due to the expected snowstorm, St. Michael’s will be closed on Wednesday, February 19.
St M Families, Please see email for additional information.


The St. Michael’s community is comprised of parents, grandparents and alumni. Our goal is to keep you informed and up-to-date on the School’s activities throughout the year.

Parents’ participation is vital to St. Michael’s success. We encourage all parents to get involved. Following are just some of the ways that St. Michael’s parents make a difference in school activities:

  • Classroom Activities and Field Trips – Volunteer to be a room parent, help with class projects or drive for a field trip.
  • Sports Teams – Volunteer to coach swimming, basketball or LEGO robotics teams.
  • St. Michael’s Parents’ Association (SMPA) – Volunteer to serve on committees.

"I LOVE that St. Michael's is a happy place full of books, art, music and exercise. My kids are encouraged to think, create, problem-solve and grow. They have many opportunities to mature as scholars, athletes, artists and innovators. They are flourishing in a place where they are encouraged to find their own voices and use their words politely as members of a respectful community. They are learning to enjoy personal achievements, while still working and playing nicely with others. Their teachers care for them as people, and that's what we love most about St. Michael's, the people!"

A St. Michael's Parent